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Rebmik - Priest

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:55 am
by rebmik
Character Information
1. Main Character Name with Link to WoW Armory:
Rebmik ... r&n=Rebmik
2. Real Life Age:
3. Class of your Main:
4a. Primay Spec of your Main:
4b. Secondary Spec of your Main:
Holy for right now. Trying to decide which spec I like more for healing.
5. Professions and Level:
Enchanting 450, and tailoring 447
Alts are not allowed until the main is promoted to a member level.

Guild Information
1. Have you read and will abide by the Guild Doctrine?
2. What are your previous/current guild(s) and why did/do you want to leave?
Have mainly been in a guild with husband (Zodan) and RL friends, Insert Alt Here. Just recently left Arbiters of Azeroth due to not being able to do a lot with them. They would schedule raids and they would not happen, some of them never even being acknowledged that they were skipped. Prior to the new LFG tool, 5 mans didn't happen with other members.
3. List the names of people you know from Lords of Karma who would vouch for you:
Baore and Benediction are RL friends, however I am not sure if they have reached member status yet.
4. Are you a real life friend or family member of a current member of Lords of Karma?
see above
5. What do you feel you can bring to Lords of Karma?
Someone who just wants to have fun while playing a game without any drama associated.

For Applicants who wish to Raid

Computer Rig Information
1. Do you have Ventrilo and a Mic?
2. Does your computer have latency issues, lock-up, or crash a lot while playing Warcraft?
3. What mods do you use? (specific to raiding - e.g. DBM, Recount, Omen, etc)
For raiding I have DBM, Omen, and Grid

Raiding Information
1. Are you able to attend raids on these days and time (Tues 6-9 server, Weds 6:30-9, Fri 7-9)? Please note that raids can go past scheduled times.
I am not coming in looking for a dedicated spot in raids. I have a family (husband and 2 kids) that come first. I also work out of the home a few days a week with 16 three year olds, so sometimes just being online and doing dailies is all I have the energy for.
2. I cannot raid raid on these days and time:
Wednesdays and Sundays
3. Will you be able to maintain a MINIMUM of 70% raid attendance? (or whatever % is decided on)
No. RL responsibilities come first for me and with those responsibilities 70% isn't feasible for me right now.
4. What is your raiding experience? Are you familiar with the content we will be raiding? For example, knowledge of Ulduar, Vault of Archavon bosses, etc. (please specify 10-man and 25-man).
Naxx 10/25, VoA 10/25, Ony 10/25, OS 10/25. Haven't had a chance to make it anywhere outside of those.
5. Do you have a good grasp of your class? Have you read forums and done the research to ensure you play at the highest level?
Yes, and my husband is one to tell me if there are areas in which I need to improve...
6. Will you come prepared to raids with the appropriate consumables (food, flask etc) and on time? If you are unable to make it or if you are going to be late, please leave a note on the guild forums.
Yes, if there is a raid I sign up for I will make every attempt possible to be on and ready at the designated time. While I am not a hardcore raider and prefer doing 10 mans when I do raid, I am not opposed to stepping in and offering some help to the guild from time to time, if I can.

Re: Rebmik - Priest

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:39 pm
by Med
We are in need of Disc priest at this time.

Look for either Izix, or Totemed online for the 2nd part of the application process: a ventrilo interview.

To make this process quicker, you may want to post here, the times you are available online so we can get in touch with you in a shorter time frame.


Re: Rebmik - Priest

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:24 pm
by rebmik
I will be on tonight with the exception of about an hour sometime (give or take a little) until about 10-10:30 central time. Tuesday night, should be on from 7/8- 10 central time.
