So we were having a chat in our 10 tonight about the pending release of Final Fantasy XIII and how that would effect some of our schedules and it made me think that there could be a number of folks around these parts that frequent games that aren't World of Warcraft.
So I thought I would share my gamer tags for different things I play and others could do the same if they were so inclined. Get some non-WoW gaming on now and then when folks need a break from the grind.
Zodan wrote:I haven't like a FF game since like 6. I guess that was 3 here.
Well you'll be happy to know that FFII (FFIV) was just released on Wiiware today.
There's also the "sequel", the After Years that has been there for awhile. I've only played the first episode but IMO it's pretty good; considering the "light" fare that FFIV is to begin with.
The "taste" comment was re: "haven't liked a FF since VI".
VII was good. I liked VIII but I totally understand why some didn't. Aside from an inexplicably slow battle system IX was great. X is probably my favorite FF. X-2, like VIII I really enjoyed but totally get why some hate it so much. The battle system was the best in the series so far IMO. XI well... And I really liked XII too.
X-2 is my favorite of the series, play wise. But I do feel that they didnt give the girls the respect they should have. Riku turns into a total fluff head, moreso than in X. They are just way to giggly, and you cant really take them seriously. But as far as battle system I do love X-2. XII ( I think thats the right one) is fun as well. I wasnt sure I would like the automated battle system, but it worked out really well I thought.