As promised, here are some screenies from LoK's Kingslayers! Grats to Totemed, Zohar, Benediction, Borak, Oroveso, Drakthum, Natoc, Keagan, Magitek, and Willowweal. And a big thank you to everyone who helped us along the way!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson
We'll be able to cut a minute or two off just with getting the fight down pat; but it is a hardcore fight that you better not be holding in your pee for.
Sindragosa is the next longest fight at 8-10 minutes. Those are by far the longest fights in ICC, followed probably by Deathwhisper and Blood Princes.
Benediction wrote:heh, maybe I should post a picture where I'm not turning my back to the camera.
Sorry Ben, I hadn't noticed you were facing away from the camera in that one. You dwarves are so hairy, your front and back look about the same
Here's a better one of you.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson