- ... Shadowmend
Age- 28
Tailoring -442
Enchanting -435
Guild Information:
My most recent guild was echelon. The reason I left was; the amount of time I could dedicate to the game had diminished. I was a core member of our team, I had been the Guild master as well ass the main raid leader/officer for some time. After being very active in game for so long I got a bit burned out.
I know quite a few people in LOK actually, have been playing for years now. My first memory is as a fledgling warrior in ZG. I stood behind Warman and Twizted soul. Both who had full Might sets. I was a part of Stromgarde Batallion at that time. From my most recent guild My friends include my real life GF Slinderkill, as well as Cattales, Bahnek, Vlaudd, Keagen!, milana, wirechaser, ... a few more I think but I would need to look again.
I am a fairly skilled player and know the ins and outs of the game from an officer/ raid leaders perspective

Computer rig info:
Nope no problems with running W.O.W. I designed and built it from the ground up, piece by piece.
I only really use the standard raid mods, DBM,OMEN,RECOUNT,and Xpearl.
Raid Info:
I work in the am and am always free in the evening. I always come prepared for raids